Tuesday, August 12, 2008

College Confusion

So... I'm sure that mom has said most of it already but I will put in my input! Haha, so I wasn't exactly sure if the first loan I got was going to cover all of my college tuition at Utah State so on Monday the 11th, I called to see what I had to do to pay for everything. I found out that I needed to accept a second loan so I said whatever and then asked how much it would be after that second loan. It ended up being a little over $2700 that I had to pay by the 15th. I pretty much freaked out to put it simply and was extremely stressed because that would mean I would have no money at all! Everything I have saved for these past 2 years of working would be gone immediately with just one semester. I finally decided it wasn't worth the stress or the money. I am extremely sad I am not going to be able to go to Utah State, I would have loved every bit of it but I would rather not have that bad of money problems. So I now have been looking at BYU-I and Idaho State. Right now I am looking more at Idaho State because it will be easier to enroll and with BYU-I, I will have to wait until the winter semester to go to school. I just want to get started and finally get everything under control. Anyways, if you have any questions or any suggestions just let me know! 


Twisted Sweeties said...

thanks a lot for telling me that you finally had a blog!! love you

Leigh said...

haha, i didnt know how to tell everyone! haha, and im lazy! but hey you found it! i guess i should send an email to everyone huh?!